Two people are discussing business in a conference room.

Rapid Response Services for Businesses

Help for businesses facing cutbacks
Rapid Response Services for Businesses

What is Rapid Response?

Rapid Response is a service that we offer to businesses and employees affected by cutbacks and site closings. We provide early job placement assistance and other service resources.

Shared Work

Our regional teams help protect your employees during temporary business downturns through the Shared Work Program. Shared Work gives an alternative to laying off your employees. It lets you keep trained employees with key skill sets. Learn more and apply by visiting 


After a business has tried every option to minimize layoffs, our team can provide custom job placement service before layoffs occur while frequently partnering with organized labor (when attached) and hired outplacement firms. We also introduce job seekers to the Career Center system. Learn more and apply by visiting

Benefits to Your Business and to Your Employees

Businesses have lower unemployment insurance costs, as people return to work quicker when they start services prior to layoff. It maintains morale and productivity, as Rapid Response shows your business has a high regard for the employees in transition.

Employees will receive timely job placement assistance, as well as information about filing unemployment insurance claims, comparing health coverage options, and finding useful community resources.

Rapid Response Regional Contacts

RegionNamePhone #Email
Capital RegionTaylor McKinzie518-457-1505[email protected]
New York CityAngelique Tiam-Fook718-613-3659[email protected]
Long IslandFrederick Danks516-934-8560
516-934-8507 (Fax)
[email protected]
Hudson ValleyElias Flores845-568-5392
845-568-5321 (Fax)
[email protected]
Mohawk ValleyMichael Clark315-793-2491
315-793-2216 (Fax)
[email protected]
CentralPaula Yerdon315-479-3435[email protected]
Finger LakesErica Bruce585-258-8861[email protected]
North CountryMelissa Baretsky518-561-0430 ext. 3058[email protected]
Southern TierRegenna Darrah (Interim)518-457-1143[email protected]
Western New YorkAmy Riter716-851-2659[email protected]

Fact Sheet: Rapid Response for Businesses

Fact Sheet: Shared Work


    Programa De Trabajo Compartido (SW1S-Spanish)

    Traducción al español (Spanish)

    El Programa de Trabajo Compartido ofrece a los empleadores una alternativa  en vez de  suspender  a los empleados a tiempo completo cuando tienen que enfrentarse a una baja temporal en el negocio. Este folleto informativo contiene una descripción del programa, así como respuestas a las preguntas más comunes acerca del mismo.

