To improve your filing experience, reduce errors, and increase compliance with employer reporting of each employee’s information, the Tax Department is streamlining withholding tax and wage reporting forms and Web File applications. These improvements will affect the way you file in March 2025. You can find the latest on these improvements at:
Beginning in October 2018 Employers must adopt a sexual harassment prevention...
Your guide to doing business in New York State.
Frequently Requested
Unemployment Insurance Information
Important Notice to NYS Employers: The Department of Labor issued a directive to remind employers of their obligation to provide information to employees to help them promptly complete the unemployment insurance benefits application. Employers may use Form IA 12.3 to provide this information.
The frequently asked questions have information for employers on COVID-19 impacts related to employer charging/experience rating, the Shared Work Program, claims, reimbursable accounts, NYS-45 reporting, and individuals who do not normally qualify for benefits.