WIOA Youth & Young Adult Program Elements


Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth & Young Adult program offers fourteen types of services to help participants lead a self-sufficient lifestyle. These services are called elements and they focus on education, employment, well-being, growth, and transition of youth and young adults into the world of work.

WIOA Youth & Young Adult Program Elements/Services
Education Focused Elements Employment & Training Focused Elements Well-Being Focused Elements Growth Focused Elements Transition Focused Element
Alternative Secondary Education Labor Market & Employment Information Comprehensive Guidance & Counseling Adult Mentoring Follow-up
Integrated Education (Education Concurrent w/Workforce Prep) Integrated Education (Education Concurrent w/Workforce Prep) Financial Literacy Education Entrepreneurial Skills Training
Postsecondary Transition Occupational Skills Training Supportive Services Leadership Development Opportunities
Tutoring & Study Skills Work Experiences
The Services Brief includes key concepts, example services, and reporting requirements for the elements


Education Focused Elements


Education-focused elements support youth and young adults in attaining their educational academic goals. Learn about the WIOA elements with recorded workshops and slides on the training page by NYSDOL’s Youth & Young Adult Unit and the Services Brief.


Alternative Secondary Education for High School Equivalency  


Integrated Education (Education Concurrent w/ Workforce Preparation) 


Postsecondary Transition Element


 Tutoring & Study Skills Element

Employment & Training Focused Elements


Employment & Training focused elements help youth and young adults enhance their occupational, foundational and job search skills with training and work experiences. Learn about the WIOA elements with recorded workshops and slides on the training page by NYSDOL’s Youth & Young Adult Unit and the Services Brief.


Integrated Education (Education Concurrent with Workforce Preparation and Training) Element


Labor Market & Employment Information Element

Career Awareness & Exploration 

  • CareerZone (ages 18 and under), JobZone (ages 18 and above) — Building a comprehensive career portfolio based on personal interests and values 
  • My Next Move — Shaping career awareness with assessments and occupational information 
  • Video library — Career, skills, and industry centered videos by CareerOneStop 
  • Road Trip Nation — Road trips that capture empowering stories give confidence and tools for youth to find a career that matters 
  • Labor Market Analysts — Contact analysts to understand employment projection, wages and job openings to support youth 
  • Occupational and industry data — Projections, potential employers, jobs in demand in state or region   


Career Guidance & Job Search 


Occupational Skills Training Element


 Work Experience Element

Well-Being Focused Elements


Well-being focused elements expansively support youth and young adults to build a supporting network for their success. Learn about the WIOA elements with recorded workshops and slides on the training page by NYSDOL’s Youth & Young Adult Unit and the Services Brief.


Comprehensive Guidance & Counseling Element


Financial Literacy Education Element


Supportive Services Element

Growth Focused Elements


Growth focused elements help youth and young adults envision their potential and work to achieve it with the support of caring adults. Learn about the WIOA elements with recorded workshops and slides on the training page by NYSDOL’s Youth & Young Adult Unit and the Services Brief.


Adult Mentoring Element


Entrepreneurial Skills Training Element


Leadership Development Opportunities Element

Transition Focused Elements


Transition focused element supports youth and young adults to gradually transition out of the WIOA program and independently succeed in their careers. Learn about the WIOA elements with recorded workshops and slides on the training page by NYSDOL’s Youth & Young Adult Unit and the Services Brief.


Follow-Up Element



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