People in a room having a training meeting.

WIOA Youth & Young Adult Services Providers

Pathways to career opportunities with youth and young adults facing barriers to career success.
WIOA Youth & Young Adult Services Providers

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title IB Youth Programs serve youth and young adults who face barriers to employment and education.

The program staff work with participants to build the skills necessary to explore and develop careers, pursue education, occupational skills training, gain work experiences and employment.




Program Model

 WIOA Youth program offers the following:

  • Design Framework Services includes: Intake & Eligibility, Objective Assessments, Individual Service Strategy, and its update.
  • Program Elements include: elements targeted to achieve success in education, employment/training, well-being, and transition. 
  • Youth and business engagement and program administration.


Design Framework Services Education Focused Elements Employment Focused Elements Well-Being Focused Elements Growth Focused Elements Transition Focused Elements
Intake & Eligibility Alternative Secondary Education Labor Market & Employment Information Comprehensive Guidance & Counseling Adult Mentoring Follow-up
Objective Assessments Integrated Education (Education Concurrent w/Workforce Preparation) Integrated Education (Education Concurrent w/Workforce Preparation) Financial Literacy Education Entrepreneurial Skills Training
Individual Service Strategy (ISS) Postsecondary Transition Occupational Skills Training Supportive Services Leadership Development Opportunities
ISS Update  Tutoring & Study Skills Work Experiences

Youth and Business Engagement & Program Administration

Outreach; Data Entry; Case Management; Local Policies; Performance; Staff Development; Partnerships; MOA/MOU


Connect and Innovate
Youth & Young Adults Team is committed to working with youth, educators, businesses, and workforce professionals to unlock the career potential of young New Yorkers. Inspired? Questions? Need training/presentations? Want to collaborate?