Who We Are

The Engineering Services Unit (ESU) provides engineering support to the Division of Safety and Health programs. The Engineering Services Unit staff:

  • Reviews plans
  • Approves applications
  • Issues variances dealing with Department of Labor Code Rules.

Services We Provide

The Engineering Services Unit reviews and approves applications for:

  • Places of public assembly
  • Ski tows and passenger tramways
  • Elevators and escalators in factory and mercantile establishments
  • Tents and bleachers for 300 or more occupants
  • Window-cleaning equipment and other devices
  • Mold Training Providers
  • Elevator Training Providers


Engineering Services also issues variances for:

  • Storage of explosives
  • Boilers
  • Public Employee Safety and Health (PESH) programs
  • Asbestos abatement

Public Assembly

The Engineering Services Unit reviews and approves applications for places of public assembly.

Regulation: State Standard Building Code for Places of Public Assembly (Code Rule 36)

Application Form: Application for Examination of Plans SH 700

Ski Tows and Passenger Tramways

The Engineering Services Unit reviews and approves applications for ski tows and passenger tramways.

Regulation: Ski Tows and Other Passenger Tramways Code Rule 32

Application Form: Application for Approval of Plans for Aerial Tramway, Chair or Gondola, J-Bar, T- Bar, Rope Tow, Poma Lift, Skimobile, Etc. SH 706

Elevators and Escalators in Factory and Mercantile Establishments

Tents and Bleachers for 300 or More Occupants

Window-Cleaning Equipment

The Engineering Services Unit reviews and approves applications for window-cleaning equipment.

We developed "Window-Cleaning Equipment Requirements Guidance" to help in the window-cleaning equipment approval process.

Window-Cleaning Equipment Requirements Guidance: In New York State, window-cleaning equipment is subject to approval by the Engineering Services Unit. We encourage applicants to meet with Engineering Services Unit representatives before designing, purchasing, and installing window-cleaning equipment. Contact the Engineering Services Unit office at 518-457-1536 to schedule a pre-application meeting or to ask questions about the approval process.

Guidance Documents:

Regulation: Protection of Persons Employed at Window Cleaning Structural Requirements, Equipment and Procedures Code Rule 21

Application Form: Application for Approval of Material or Device SH 753

Storage of Explosives

The Engineering Services Unit issues variances for the storage of explosives,

Regulation: Possession, Handling, Storage and Transportation of Explosives Code Rule 39

Application Form: Petition for a Variance or Other Relief SH 751

Boiler Installation Variance

The Engineering Services Unit provides support to the Boiler Safety Bureau by issuing variances for boiler installations.



Application Form: Petition for a Variance or Other Relief SH 751

Applicable Variances:

Public Employee Safety and Health (PESH) Programs

The Engineering Services Unit provides support to the Public Employee Safety and Health (PESH) Bureau by issuing variances and alternative compliance agreements to public employers.

Regulation: PESH

Application Form: Petition for a Permanent Variance or Alternative Compliance Agreement SH 780

Asbestos Abatement

The Engineering Services Unit provides support to the Asbestos Control Bureau by issuing variances for asbestos abatement projects. The Engineering Services Unit has issued Applicable Variances for some asbestos abatement projects.

We developed a Guidance Document (AGD-v2.0) on ICR 56 that offers details on variances and how to comply with the asbestos regulation, including the latest Code Rule 56 Revision. Guidance for Documenting Asbestos Work Areas (SH752.1)

Regulation: Asbestos Code Rule 56

Guidance & Information on Variances for Asbestos Projects: Guidance and Variance Information Code Rule 56

Application Form: Petition for an Asbestos Variance SH 752


You can now apply for an asbestos variance using the Management System for Protecting Workers' rights (MPWR). This completely online system speeds up the application process and makes information about applications readily available.

Using MPWR, applicants can:

  • Submit their information, upload the required documentation, and pay online in one easy step.
  • Receive real-time updates about the status of issues with respect to their application when they opt-in to receive electronic communications.

To apply online, go to dol.ny.gov/mpwr and login with your personal.ny.gov account. If this is your first time applying online, click on "New Request" and select the application you want. If you do not have a personal ny.gov account, select the option to "Create Account."

If you experience problems creating the NY.Gov ID account, or if you are unable to sign into your account, please refer to our login help page.

View our video recording for instructions on using MPWR to submit an asbestos variance application.


Applicable Variances:

  • Controlled Demolition (Municipal) AV-A-1
  • Negative Air Ventilation Exhaust AV-A-2
  • Non-friable ACM Floor Covering Mastic removal Using Chemical Methods along with Low-speed Floor Buffers AV-A-3
  • Removal or Cleanup of Intact Minor Size Non-friable ACM Floor Tile AV-A-4

Mold Training Program

Elevator Training Program

The Engineering Services Unit reviews and approves applications from elevator training providers to be certified to teach elevator refresher courses in New York State.

Regulation: Labor Law Article 33

Application Form: Application for Approval or Revision of an Elevator and Other Conveyances Continuing Education Training Course

Guidance, Resources and Information: Elevator and Other Conveyances Continuing Education Course Curriculum Information

Online Elevator Continuing Course Requirements: SH116

Additional Variances