WIOA Youth Program Design Framework


The Design Framework component of the WIOA Youth and Young Adult Program includes:

  • Intake & Eligibility
  • Objective Assessments
  • Individual Service Strategy (ISS)


Eligibility Brief

Services BRIEF



Intake & Eligibility

Intake and eligibility are about first impression. How can we make it simple for the young adults?

Sample forms

Objective Assessments

With a strengths-based approach and managing expectations, staff can change the assessment experience for the youth and serve them effectively to develop educational and career pathway planning.

Sample forms
Career Assessments
Financial Literacy & Life Skills Assessments
  • My Employability Score in JobZone – Short questionnaire to help youth understand factors impacting their chances to become employable 
  • Casey Life Skills Toolkit – tools designed to access independent skills needed by youth and young adults to achieve their long-term goal. E.g., work habits, money management, civic engagement, healthy relationships and more

Individual Service Strategy (ISS)

Youth professionals conduct a multitude of assessments to get an objective gauge of youth’s past and present and then develop an ISS, not for the youth but with the youth. This ensures youth buy-in to work towards their career and life goals. The progressing trust building between the youth and the professional is documented with regular updates to the ISS.




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