The Department of Labor establishes policy on the performance and assessment of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act's (WIOAs) six Primary Indicators of Performance for Title I and Title III programs. Title I accounts for the Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth programs and Title III accounts for the Wagner-Peyser Act program.
Performance goals are established procedurally at the State and Local levels.
Assessment scores measure performance outcomes at the State and Local levels.
Extended policy details of performance indicators, goals and assessment are outlined in Technical Advisory #18-06.2.
Performance Indicators
States and Local Workforce Development Boards (LWDBs) are held to six (6) Primary Indicators of Performance established by WIOA for the Title I – Adult, DW and Youth, and Title III Wagner-Peyser programs. Note that the indicators are not applied uniformly across each program; some indicators are not applicable to specific programs, and others have different definitions for certain programs.
1. Second Quarter Employment Rate
Upon the completion of the second quarter, what is the percentage of participants who were hired in unsubsidized employment after exiting the program?
Applicable to: Adult/Dislocated Worker/TAA; Youth; Wagner-Peyser Act
2. Fourth Quarter Employment Rate
Upon the completion of the fourth quarter, what is the percentage of participants who were hired in unsubsidized employment after exiting the program?
Applicable to: Adult/Dislocated Worker/TAA; Youth; Wagner-Peyser Act
3. Median Earnings
During the second quarter, what is the statistical median earnings of participants after exiting the program?
Applicable to: Adult/Dislocated Worker/TAA; Youth; Wagner-Peyser Act
4. Credential Attainment
Upon one year of exiting the program, what is the percentage of participants who are enrolled in an education or training program?
Applicable to: Adult/Dislocated Worker/TAA and Youth
5. Measurable Skills Gains
What is the percentage of program participants who, during a program year, are achieving measurable skills in an education or training program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential or employment?
Applicable to: Adult/Dislocated Worker/TAA and Youth
6. Business Indicators
What is the percentage of businesses that have repeatedly utilized services within the past three years? What is the percentage of State businesses that utilize services?
Applicable to: Adult/Dislocated Worker/TAA; Youth; Wagner-Peyser Act
Read the in-depth Technical Advisory #18-06.2 to learn more about Primary Indicators of Performance.
Performance Goals & Assessment
Performance Goals
Performance goals will be established at both the State and Local level through a negotiation process. Please find the State Final Negotiated Goals and the Local Workforce Development Area Proposed and Final Negotiated Goals for Program Years 2024 and 2025 linked below.
WIOA identifies three types of performance goals:
Proposed Goals: Determined prior to the negotiation process and act as a starting point for the negotiations.
Negotiated Goals: Agreed upon by the parties involved in the negotiation process. Both types of goals will be listed in the table below once they are available.
Adjusted Goals: Calculated after the end of the Program Year by recalculating the negotiated goals using the Statistical Adjustment Model to account for circumstances that take place during the program year that could not be anticipated during the negotiation process.
LWDA Performance Goals PY 22 & 23
State Performance Goals PY 24 & 25
LWDA Performance Goals PY 24 & 25
Assessment of Performance
WIOA establishes three scores for the assessment of performance:
1. Individual Indicator Score
The actual outcomes for each of the primary indicators of performance are compared to the Adjusted goals within each program.
2. Program Score*
The actual outcomes of a core program across all indicators are compared to the Adjusted goals for that program. The percentages are then averaged, resulting in the overall State program score for each core program.
3. State Indicator Score*
The individual indicator score for each of the primary indicators of performance across all programs.
*Statewide assessment only
Read the in-depth Technical Advisory #18-06.2 to learn more about Performance Goals & Assessment.
WIOA Quarterly Performance Reports
Quarterly Program Year performance reports are listed below. This section will be continually updated as performance data becomes available. Note that these quarterly reports are cumulative, where each successive quarterly report will contain new data for the latest quarter in addition to including data from previous quarters in the Program Year. For example, a quarter 3 report contains the new quarter 3 data, along with data from quarter 2 and data from quarter 1.
PY 2024
WIOA Quarter 1 Report (July 2024-September 2024)
WIOA Primary Indicators of Performance Report, Local Workforce Development Area: Program Year 2024, Quarter 1.
PY 2023
WIOA Quarter 4 Report (July 2023 to June 2024)
WIOA Primary Indicators of Performance Report, Local Workforce Development Area: Program Year 2023, Quarter 4.
WIOA Quarter 3 Report (July 2023-March 2024)
WIOA Primary Indicators of Performance Report, Local Workforce Development Area: Program Year 2023, Quarter 3
WIOA Quarter 2 Report (July 2023-December 2023)
WIOA Primary Indicators of Performance Report, Local Workforce Development Area: Program Year 2023, Quarter 2.
WIOA Quarter 1 Report (July 2023-September 2023)
WIOA Primary Indicators of Performance Report, Local Workforce Development Area: Program Year 2023, Quarter 1.
PY 2022
WIOA Quarter 4 Report (July 2022 to June 2023)
WIOA Primary Indicators Performance Report, Local Workforce Development Area: Program Year 2022, Quarter 4
WIOA Quarter 3 Report (July 2022 to March 2023)
WIOA Primary Indicators Performance Report, Local Workforce Development Area: Program Year 2022, Quarter 3
WIOA Quarter 2 Report (July 2022 – December 2022)
WIOA Primary Indicators Performance Report, Local Workforce Development Area: Program Year 2022, Quarter 2
WIOA Quarter 1 Report (July 2022 – September 2022)
WIOA Primary Indicators Performance Report, Local Workforce Development Area: Program Year 2022, Quarter 1
PY 2021
WIOA Quarter 4 Report (July 2021 – June 2022)
WIOA Primary Indicators of Performance Report, Local Workforce Development Areas: Program Year 2021, Quarter 4
PY 2020
WIOA Quarter 4 Report (July 2020 - June 2021)
WIOA Primary Indicators Performance Report, Local Workforce Development Areas: Program Year 2020, Quarter 4
WIOA Quarter 3 Report (July 2020 - March 2021)
WIOA Primary Indicators Performance Report, Local Workforce Development Areas: Program Year 2020, Quarter 3
WIOA Quarter 2 Report (July 2020 - December 2020)
WIOA Primary Indicators Performance Report, Local Workforce Development Areas: Program Year 2020, Quarter 2
WIOA Quarter 1 Report (July 2020 - September 2020)
WIOA Primary Indicators Performance Report, Local Workforce Development Areas: Program Year 2020, Quarter 1
PY 2019
WIOA Quarter 4 Report (July 2019 - June 2020)
WIOA Primary Indicators Performance Report, Local Workforce Development Areas: Program Year 2019, Quarter 4
WIOA Quarter 3 Report (July 2019 - March 2020)
WIOA Primary Indicators Performance Report, Local Workforce Development Areas: Program Year 2019, Quarter 3
WIOA Quarter 2 Report (July 2019 - December 2019)
WIOA Primary Indicators Performance Report, Local Workforce Development Areas: Program Year 2019, Quarter 2
WIOA Quarter 1 Report (July 2019 - September 2019)
WIOA Primary Indicators Performance Report, Local Workforce Development Areas: Program Year 2019, Quarter 1