Youth & Young Adult Program Training for Service Providers

The Youth & Young Adults Team at the NYS Department of Labor is committed to working with youth, educators, businesses, and workforce professionals to unlock the career potential of young New Yorkers. Career exploration and work readiness skill building starting as early as middle school leads to confident young adults who have made informed career choices.

We facilitate collaborative learning spaces with professionals supporting youth and young adult workforce and career development programs with the following resources:


Bring Your Own Questions (BYOQ) Hour

A collaborative hour and held on the third Tuesday of each month. Together we will turn the stumbling blocks into stepping-stones for program and youth success!

Register for BYOQ!

Contact Us

Need training?
Want to collaborate?

Email Us

Customized learning and coaching

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and other youth & young adult employment, training, and career development programs are offered:

  • All About WIOA Youth Series
  • Building Blocks Modules
  • Coaching Pathway
  • Bring Your Own Questions Hour

Sign up with the staff training catalog!

Mailing List

Young Adults & Youth Team at NYS Department of Labor help implement diverse successful practices across the state, nationally and globally. Stay tuned and connected with evidence-based youth practices and opportunities!

Join our mailing list!


Recordings, Resources and Slides of Workshops and BYOQ Hours
To access the recordings: At, choose "Webex Training" from the triple bar icon. In the upper right corner, go to “View session recordings.” Search the workshop topic/BYOQ Hour. Select “View” for the recording. The password for (BYOQ) and youth workshops from the year 2022 is “YouthLead123!” and the password for workshops before the year 2022 is “Careers” (unless otherwise noted in the slides and resources below) Descriptions, slides and resources of recorded workshops on design framework, elements, youth engagement, administration and more are searchable below.