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Transferable skills are proficiencies that can transfer from one career to another.
Transferable skills include hard and soft skills:
- Written and verbal communication
- Active listener
- Innovative
- Teamwork
- Planning
- Time management
- Creativity
- Leadership
- Problem-solver
- Leadership
Try the interactive tools below to explore other career options:
Networking – Friends, family, former colleagues, community organizations, religious institutions, and professional organizations. Set up a Linkedin profile.
Job Zone
Create an account to explore occupations, career assessments and find available jobs that match your skills and experience.
My Next Move
Suggests careers that match your interests.
mySkills myFuture
Enter your current or past job and find career matches with similar skills.
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Browse occupations by field of degree, fastest growing, projected new jobs or on=the-job training.
Explore careers that use similar skills and experience. You’ll also find the demand, wages, training, and typical tasks.
O*NET Online
Browse career by industry, O*NET Interest Profiler can help you find out what your interests are and how they relate to the world of work. You can find out what you like to do.