Use the Business Directory to obtain the name, address, and contact information for businesses most likely to employ people in your occupation or industry.
If you are looking for businesses that employ people in a certain industry, use the “Industry” tab. You can narrow your search by county, city, number of employees, and industry.
Information for more than 788,000 establishments in New York State were compared with statewide industry staffing patterns to allow you to identify businesses most likely to employ workers in your occupation.
If you want to find businesses that employ people in your job title, your best bet is to use the “Occupation” tab. You can narrow your search by county, city, number of employees, major occupational group, and detailed occupational title.
Once you apply the desired filters, you can get additional contact information for a business by clicking on the record in the “Potential Employers in New York State” table. The contact information will be shown under the “Business Directory” heading.
To learn more about downloading the information you requested, check out our Tips for Downloading Data from the Business Directory.
Please keep in mind that not all businesses will have any current openings.
Occupational descriptions from the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system can be found here:
Information about the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) can be found here:

Employer information is provided by Data Axle, Omaha, NE. ©2023 All Rights Reserved.
The information may not necessarily represent the most current available. Industry staffing patterns applied to each employer are from the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.