On January 10, 2014, Governor Cuomo signed into law the New York State Commercial Goods Transportation Industry Fair Play Act that went into effect on April 10, 2014. The law creates a new standard for determining whether a driver of commercial vehicles who transports goods is an employee or independent contractor.
The new law presumes that such workers are employees unless payments for their services are reported on a federal income tax form 1099 (if required by law).
In addition, they must be a separate business entity or they must be:
- Free from control and direction in performing the job, both under contract and in fact;
- Performing services outside of the usual course of business for the employer; and
- Engaged in an independently-established trade, occupation or business that is similar to the service they perform.
Separate Business Entity
A legal separate business entity is a sole proprietor, partnership, corporation or other entity that meets 11 criteria under the new law. The 11 criteria appear on the back page of the fact sheet.
Who Is Covered by the Law
The law applies to all employers in the commercial goods transportation industry.
Attention All Drivers of Commercial Vehicles: If You Transport Goods, You are Covered by the Commercial Goods Transportation Industry Fair Play Act (IA 998)
Employers in the commercial goods transportation industry are required to post this notice in a prominent and accessible place on the job site.
所有商用车辆司机请注意:如果您从事货物运输,Commercial Goods Transportation Industry Fair Play Act 《商业货物运输行业公平法案》将为您提供法律保障。 (IA 998C Chinese)
中文翻譯 (Chinese)商业货物运输行业的雇主必须将此通知张贴在作业现场引人注目且可以接近的位置。
Atansyon Tout Chofè Kamyon Komèsyal yo: Si W ap Fè Transpò Machandiz,Ou Pwoteje Anba Commercial Goods Transportation Industry Fair Play Act (Lwa Ekite konsènan Endistri Transpò Komèsyal Machandiz) (IA 998HC Haitian-Creole)
Tradiksyon kreyòl ayisyen (Haitian Creole)Patwon ki nan endistri transpò machandiz komèsyal yo gen obligasyon pou mete avi sa a nan yon kote ki vizib epi ki gen aksè fasil nan espas travay la.
All’attenzione di tutti i conducenti di veicoli commerciali: Il trasporto merci èregolamentato dal Commercial Goods Transportation Industry Fair Play Act (legge sul comportamento leale nel settore trasporto merci in ambito commerciale) (IA 998I Italian)
Traduzione italiana (Italian)I datori di lavoro nel settore dei trasporti di beni commerciali sono tenuti ad affiggere questo avviso in modo ben visibile e in un luogo accessibilesul posto di lavoro.
모든 상용차 운전자를 대상으로 한 주의 사항: 귀하께서 물품 배송 업무를 수행하고있다면, Commercial Goods Transportation Industry Fair Play Act (상용 상품 배송 산업 공정 거래법)에 의거하여 보호를 받습니다. (IA 998K Korean)
한국어 번역 (Korean)상용 물품 운송 업계의 고용주는 작업 현장에서 눈에 잘 띄고 접근하기 쉬운 장소에 이 공지를 게시해야 합니다.
Uwaga wszyscy kierowcy pojazdów komercyjnych: osoby przewożące towarysą objęte Commercial Goods Transportation Industry Fair Play Act (ustawą o uczciwości w branży transportu towarów komercyjnych) (IA 998P Polish)
Polski (Polish)Pracodawcy z branży transportu towarów handlowych są zobowiązani do zamieszczenia tego powiadomienia w widocznym i dostępnym miejscu w zakładzie pracy.
Atenção condutor de veículo comercial: se você transporta mercadorias, você estásob a égide da Commercial Goods Transportation Industry Fair Play Act (Legislação sobre concorrência leal do setor de transporte de mercadorias comerciais) (IA 998PG Portugues
Funcionários da indústria de transporte de bens comerciais devem afixar este aviso em um local de evidência e de fácil acesso no local de trabalho.
Вниманию всех водителей коммерческого транспорта: если вы перевозитетовары, вы защищены законом Commercial Goods Transportation Industry Fair Play Act (Закон о соблюдении правил в отрасли коммерческих перевозок) (IA 998R Russian)
Перевод на русский язык (Russian)Работодатели в отрасли коммерческих перевозок обязаны вывесить данное уведомление на рабочей площадке в хорошо заметном и доступном месте.
Atención a todos los conductores de vehículos comerciales: Si transporta mercaderías, estácubierto por la Commercial Goods Transportation Industry Fair Play Act (Ley de Actividad Justa de la Industria del Transporte de Mercaderías). (IA 998S Spanish)
Traducción al español (Spanish)Los empleadores de la industria del transporte de bienes comerciales deben colocar este aviso en un lugar visible y accesible en el sitio de trabajo.