A Pair of gloved hands picked marijuana leaves

Cannabis Workforce Development

For Job Seekers, Workers, and Businesses

​​​​​​​The New York State Department of Labor’s Cannabis Employment and Education Development (CEED) Unit is designed to assist job seekers, workers, and businesses in the adult-use, medical cannabis, cannabinoid hemp, and hemp industries. We help connect job seekers and workers to a variety of employment and educational opportunities in these emerging fields. We also support businesses so they may thrive in the New York economy. Explore how we can help you.

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Introduction to Cannabis Employment and Education Development (CEED)

Looking for a way into the Cannabis Industry? Let us help you find a way into the emerging cannabis workforce in NYS.

Start-Ups and New Businesses

Are you looking to open a new cannabis business? Use these resources to help you along the way.
Woman stands with open sign and mask
Responsible Workforce Training (RWT)
All persons performing activities under a licensed cannabis business must complete mandatory Responsible Workforce Training.

Laws and Regulations

The NYSDOL does not issue business licenses or regulate cannabis. We serve as a valuable resource between job seekers, cannabis businesses, and other New York State agencies that offer employment opportunities in the cannabis industry.

The Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) is the NYS state agency that regulates medical and adult-use cannabis, and the cannabinoid hemp products industry.

Select a topic from the below list to learn more about adult-use cannabis at work, cannabis business licensing, existing OCM regulations, and Social and Economic Equity.

Sign Up for Updates
Stay up to date! Job seekers and businesses interested in adult-use, medical cannabis, cannabinoid hemp, and industrial hemp industries can sign up here for updates and job posting resources as they come online.
Struggling with Addiction?
Talk to your health care provider or a substance use counselor if you think your cannabis use is disrupting your daily life or causing problems at work or home, or if you crave cannabis. You can also call the Office of Addiction Services and Supports (1-877-846-7369) or visit oasas.ny.gov to learn more about addiction treatment. The Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) provides a comprehensive system of addiction services for prevention, treatment, and recovery.