An older worker talks on the phone

Working while Retired

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Continuing to work helps you stay active and connected. You get the opportunity to do something different, or you may need to continue to work for financial reasons. We are here to assist you in providing resources to help make retirement active and fun, while taking into account financial stability, opportunities for continued growth and quality of life.


Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
Program is a community service and work-based training program for older workers.

Retirement advice planning
Will help make retirement planning simple. Resources and advice on Work from home retirement jobs, retired and starting your own business and part-time jobs to supplement retirements.

Benefits Planner: Retirement
How much Social Security can I earn and still get benefits.

Retirement budget calculator

Looking for the right job for you:

Retirement Jobs
Find age-friendly employers that are committed to being the best places to work for older adults. Also search volunteer opportunities.

Jobs for the 50+ workforce
Employers post directly to the exclusive job board to reach our older and experienced audience. Today's listings include these opportunities.

New York State Job Bank
Department of Labor includes over 200,000 job listings, covering an array of industries


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