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Workforce Planning

Workforce Planning Overview

Workforce Planning is a continual process used to align the needs and priorities of New York State’s workforce and economic development objectives. WIOA requires workforce planning at the state, regional and local levels to enable partnerships which meet the workforce needs of businesses.

Levels of Planning
Local Planning

 Local plans are developed by Local Workforce Development Boards, a total of 33 across the State of New York.

Regional Planning

Local areas collaborate within their region to develop plans that describe how they are carrying out the State's policy direction.

Statewide Planning

WIOA requires states to submit a 4-year State Plan to receive funding for the six WIOA core programs.

Statewide Workforce Planning
Additional Information

Combined Plan – Response to Public Comments 
DRAFT Program Year (PY) 2024-2027 Combined State Plan

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Combined State Plan partners thank the individuals and organizations that submitted comments on the PY 2024-2027 DRAFT New York State Combined Plan during the public comment period from January 8, 2024-February 7, 2024. A few specific suggestions resulted in updates to the Plan; others did not result in direct edits to the written Combined State Plan but will be considered by WIOA partners throughout the coming PYs and for the 2026 Combined Plan Modification.

The following individuals and organizations provided comments:

Al Catalano, Regional Director, Northeast Region Bricklayers & Craftworkers, Secretary Treasurer and Executive Director, NYS Building & Trades Association

Therese Daly, Interim Executive Director, NYATEP

Amy Desjardins, Executive Director, Workforce Development Institute

Noel Hidalgo, Executive Director, BetaNYC

Florence McCue, At Large Director, New York State United Teachers

Dan McGraw, Vice President, International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 15839

Amber Rangel, Vice President and Director, Workforce Development, Empire State Development

Dr. Kimberly Townsend, CEO/President, Loretto

For questions or comments related to the Combined State Plan, please contact [email protected].

The Jobs for Veterans State Grants (JVSG) program provides federal funding to states to hire dedicated staff to provide individualized career and training-related services to veterans and eligible individuals with barriers to employment, and assist businesses to fill their workforce needs with job-seeking veterans. JVSG recipients are required to complete a five-year plan, with required annual updates.

View Current JVSG PLAN

WIOA Waivers being considered by the State will be made available for public comment prior to submission to the United States Department of Labor. Comments should be submitted via email to [email protected].

Waiver of the requirement to expend 75% of Governor’s reserve youth funds and local formula youth funds on Out-of-School Youth (OSY).

More information about the JSVG State Plan, WIOA Waivers and other Statewide Planning documents can be found by clicking the View Statewide Plans link below.

View ALL Statewide Plans

Labor Market Information for Workforce Planning
Supporting Plans on the Local and Regional Levels
About LMI

LMI assists Local Workforce Development Areas (LWDAs) to develop regional workforce strategies that align with Regional Economic Development Council (REDC) priorities.

Occupations in Demand

Each program year, LWDAs are required to develop and continually update the list of occupations that are in-demand (current, short-term, and long-term) in their regional planning area.

Significant Industries

Significant industries are identified on the basis of job counts, wage levels, job growth and expected job growth based on industry employment projections.