Wage Theft Resources
Here at the DOL, fighting wage theft is a commitment we take very seriously.
With unwavering commitment to protecting New York’s workforce, we’ve helped tens of thousands of workers recover millions of dollars in lost wages.
From the hard work of our investigators on the front lines, to technological innovations like our Wage Theft Dashboard, we continue to evolve our practices to ensure we do everything we can to protect the workers of New York State.
Directly upload your claim for review by the Division of Labor Standards.
You believe that your employer is in violation of Labor Law Section 194 or 194-a...
Form for a worker to file a Public Work Wage Theft claim.
Labor Standards cannot accept every claim.
Labor Standards will not accept claims if you:
- Worked outside of New York State.
- Are owed wages from a government agency, town, county or city.
- Were in business for yourself, or were truly an independent contractor.
- Are owed a wage supplement, but 30 days have not passed since it became due.
- Worked as an executive, administrative, or professional employee and earned over $1300 per week. Effective March 13, 2024 the pay threshold increased from $900 to $1300.
- Performed public work. (Public work matters may be referred to Bureau of Public Work and Prevailing Wage Enforcement).
Labor Standards may also not accept claims if you:
- Are owed wages from more than three years since the date you earned the wages or supplements due to you.
- Have filed an action to recover your wages in small claims or civil court.
- Are claiming commissions from sales.
- Are making a claim for wages or benefits that are the subject of a union's grievance and arbitration procedure.
- Have an employer benefit policy that excludes you from collecting accrued benefits for a specific reason (e.g. quit without notice).
Watch this video to learn about one of our Wage Theft Investigators: Lety
Watch this video to learn about one of our Wage Theft Investigators: Emelina
Watch this video to learn about one of our Wage Theft Investigators: Yonathan
Watch this video to learn about one of our Wage Theft Investigators: Erika
For questions about submission of a Labor Standards wage theft claim, email: [email protected] or call (888) 469-7365.
For questions about submission of a Bureau of Public Works and Enforcement (BPWE) wage theft claim, email: [email protected].
For press inquiries, please contact the Press Office, email: [email protected].
For all non-press wage theft hub and wage theft data questions, email: [email protected].