Virtual Reality

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Step Into Your Future Career (Literally) with Virtual Reality

In today's digital world, why settle for career planning on a flat screen? The New York State Department of Labor is revolutionizing job exploration and training by immersing you in dynamic virtual reality experiences.

Bringing the Working World to Life

Imagine being able to live a day on a construction site before ever picking up a hard hat. Or test-driving the controls of heavy machinery from the comfort of your local DOL Career Center. With hundreds of state-of-the-art VR headsets, that's now possible across New York.

A child sitting down with a virtual reality headset on reaching out.

Pop on a headset to transport yourself into realistic career simulations for fields like:

  • Construction
  • Automotive repair
  • Diesel technology
  • Advanced manufacturing
  • Healthcare
  • Hospitality
  • Public safety
  • And more!

It's an unparalleled way to develop skills and gain first-hand exposure to different occupations before choosing your path. Over 9,000 New Yorkers have already explored careers through this immersive technology.


Bringing the Empire State Into Focus 

But we're not stopping there. DOL is doubling down by creating New York-specific VR experiences that spotlight major state industries like agriculture, clean energy, and public works.

At the 2023 New York State Fair alone, over 3,500 visitors got a virtual reality preview of these homegrown career opportunities. It's a taste of what's to come as we expand VR's workforce development potential statewide.

Ditch the outdated textbooks and musty brochures. Virtual reality puts your career journey into hyper-focused, life-like clarity. Embrace the future of job exploration and let VR guide your journey!


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