Teacher Ambassador Program

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Empowering the Workforce Explorers of Tomorrow

At the New York State Department of Labor, we don't just prepare people for jobs - we prepare the future preparers. Through our innovative Teacher Ambassador Program, we're equipping teachers and counselors with the real-world insights to guide New York's youth toward rewarding career possibilities.

Hand of a trainer addressing group of teachers sitting in a conference hall.


An Eye-Opening Summer Immersion 

This paid four-week summer intensive allows 6th-12th grade educators to deeply understand the modern career landscape. Over the course of the program, they’ll receive a comprehensive download on:

  • In-demand jobs and skills across industries
  • Working with DOL's career development resources
  • Regional employment needs and opportunities
  • Designing career exploration curriculum

By going behind-the-scenes with DOL's workforce experts, educators emerge as authorities themselves. They return to the classroom re-energized and armed with tangible ways to open their students' eyes to new professional paths.


Expanding Impacts for Years to Come 

But this program isn't just about a summer. Teacher Ambassadors develop long-lasting curriculum and cultivate partnerships to integrate career education year-round. In summer 2023 alone, we onboarded 30 dedicated ambassadors from across New York, with plans to double that number in 2024.

With DOL and engaged educators jointly prioritizing career literacy, we're ensuring tomorrow's workers can author their own success stories. 

Happy elementary teacher in front of his students in the classroom.



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