Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA): Frequently Asked Questions

Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA): Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Who do I contact for help with LUCA? A: You can contact the U.S. Census Bureau with questions regarding LUCA, call 1-844-344-0169 or email [email protected]. The U.S. Census Bureau New York Regional Geography department can be contacted at 1-212-584-3430 or by email [email protected]. Assistance is also available from Cornell Program on Applied Demographic staff at this e-mail [email protected], Bob Scardamalia (RLS Demographics) at [email protected] or The New York State Data Center at [email protected].



Q: What is the role of Regional Planning Commissions? A: Since Regional Planning Commissions are non-governing organizations, the Regional Planning Commissions (RPCs) cannot participate directly in LUCA, unless authorized by a functioning government.

Please note, the RPCs will only be able to work with the U.S. Census Bureau's Master Address File (MAF) data if the individual RPC staff are designated by the government entity and registered with the U.S. Census Bureau (including a signed confidentiality agreement).


Other than participating by reviewing the MAF, the Regional Planning Commissions can support LUCA by encouraging elected officials to participate, and providing local knowledge and technical assistance.




Q: While reviewing the Census Bureau's address list, if the LUCA participant notices multi-unit address records are missing and need to be added, but the local source does not clearly define the individual unit (sub-address) information, how should the participant proceed? A: All reasonable effort should be taken to provide the actual sub-address information. Without individual unit information for multi-unit records, the Census Bureau will not be able to process the record for inclusion in the 2020 Census.



Q: While reviewing the Census Bureau's address list, if the LUCA participant believes the sub-addresses of multi-unit records are incorrect, but their source does not include the actual sub-address, how should the participant proceed? A:

If the participant does not have a local source that identifies the actual sub-addresses, they should not edit the address records in question.



Q: How much time and money should a municipality expect to spend on the LUCA review? A:

It will differ for each locality depending on the geographic area, number of addresses, and technical resources available, but you can expect that the effort will be substantial.

Resources are available for help with the LUCA process:

The Council on Children and Families is:

coordinating a series of webinars to assist localities with the LUCA process;

providing linkages between localities conducting the LUCA and student interns who can assist with LUCA activities; and

extending technical assistance, which is provided by Robert Scardamalia, former NYS Chief Demographer. Contact Bob at: [email protected]. Visit the Council's website for complete information.

The Cornell Program on Applied Demographics (PAD) website has a tool to compare the differences between the housing units as counted during the 2010 Census and the number of residential addresses in the 2017 Master Address File (MAF)

Contact the New York Data Center at [email protected] and/or the U.S. Census Bureau at [email protected] or 1-844-344-0169.



Q: What data sources have you found most useful in building your address file? A: Street and Address Maintenance (SAM) Program data, Real Property data, and 911 address files.

(This will be updated as we get more suggestions.)




Q: What are some challenges with using utility files? A: Utility files may not identify multiple units. Multiple entrances may not equal the number of apartments. In addition, there may be an extra entrance for “common areas” such as the cellar, hallways, etc.

Also, utility files can have two sets of addresses, the owner address and the dwelling address.




Q: Are there any tutorials or demonstrations available for Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS)? A:

There are some recorded webinars as well as some upcoming workshops and trainings:

Information on LUCA Promotional Workshops offered by the U.S. Census Bureau For questions regarding the promotional workshops, call 1-844-344-0169, or email [email protected].

LUCA promotional webinar presented to the Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals on April 27, 2017

The 2020 Census LUCA Promotional Presentation and the accompanying 2020 LUCA Promotional Presentation Script These provide basic information about LUCA, the importance of participating in LUCA, and how to prepare for LUCA.

The U.S. Census Bureau GUPS demonstration

Upcoming webinars hosted by the NYS Council on Children and Families



Q: Is the GUPS for LUCA the same as the GUPS for the Boundary Annexation Survey input? A: No it is not the same, a separate application is being created for LUCA.



Q: What software will LUCA reviewers use for validation of addresses? A: Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS). GUPS is based on an open-source platform known as QGIS. It is a customized geographic information system (GIS) provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.

The software is not available yet, but there is a demonstration that can be watched at this link: https://census.webex.com/census/lsr.php?RCID=805ef5d40bb6617ce189d6d10a18ab25




Q: Will the Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS) autocomplete street names? A: It will not autocomplete. You will, however, have ability to import your address list (in .CSV or .txt format) and match your fields to the Census Bureau's address fields.



Q: Has the Census Bureau prepared guidelines that may be provided to an MIS or IT Department regarding the level of security required to use the GUPS? A: The New York Regional Office is getting more specific guidelines. In the interim, Confidentiality and Security Guidelines booklet D-2004.pdf, specifically Section 4.1, outlines the basics of what the U.S. Census Bureau asks a government IT Department to do to secure the Title 13 data and applies to both the GUPS option as well as the Digital option. For more assistance contact the LUCA helpdesk at 1-844-344-0169.



Q: What is the hierarchy of LUCA submissions, does one local entity get priority over another when there is a conflict in submissions? A: There is no hierarchy to the LUCA submissions. The U.S. Census Bureau will process each submission individually.



Q: Does the U.S. Census Bureau provide reasons when addresses that local entities submit are rejected? A: The Census Bureau will be providing Feedback to partners that participate in LUCA. The Census Bureau will provide feedback codes for each action, as well as the list of addresses the Census Bureau will be including for enumeration.



Q: Should we submit a partial LUCA review? A: Yes, submit any address corrections that you have, even if you were not able to do a complete review.



Q: What layout should be used for address updates sent to the Census Bureau? A:

The file layout that should be used is located here https://www2.census.gov/geo/pdfs/partnerships/luca/Stateside_ElectronicAddressList_LegalValues.pdf



Q: Should military bases be included in what we provide for LUCA? A: No, military group quarters are included in a separate enumeration process, do not include them in your updates.



Q: If your area has more than 300,000 addresses can you still use GUPS by breaking the addresses into smaller lists? A: Yes, you can parse your addresses into smaller lists before bringing them into GUPS. Instructions will be available on the Census website.



Q: When will the 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) Respondent Guide be available? A: The guide will be distributed along with the LUCA material, it will not be available ahead of time. It will also be posted on the Census Bureau web-site around that time, no specific date is available.



Q: Do you have a recommendation for the security protocols to use for storing and accessing the data on air gapped computer or networked computers? A: The U.S. Census Bureau provides a Confidentiality and Security Guidelines booklet D-2004.pdf, specifically Section 4.1, outlines the basics of what the U.S. Census Bureau asks a government IT Department to do to secure the Title 13 data and applies to both the GUPS option as well as the Digital option. For more assistance contact the LUCA helpdesk at 1-844-344-0169.



Q: How do you find the entity ID for the municipality that goes in the upper right hand corner of the LUCA Registration form? A: For questions regarding LUCA, call 1-844-344-0169 or email [email protected]. The LUCA Help Desk staff is available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

If you’d like to identify it yourself, follow these steps:


If you are from a county - "CO" and the GEOID. You can get your GEOID from the Census Gazetter - https://www2.census.gov/geo/docs/maps-data/data/gazetteer/2017_Gazetteer/2017_gaz_counties_36.txt. For counties - "CO" & "State FIPS" & "County FIPS".

If you are from a town – “MC” and the GEOID - https://www2.census.gov/geo/docs/maps-data/data/gazetteer/2017_Gazetteer/2017_gaz_cousubs_36.txt. The format is “MC” & “State FIPS” & County FIPS”& the last 5 digits of the GEOID.

If you are from a city – “PL” & “36” and the last 5 digits of the GEOID - https://www2.census.gov/geo/docs/maps-data/data/gazetteer/2017_Gazetteer/2017_gaz_cousubs_36.txt.

If you are from a village – “PL” & “36” and the last 5 digits of the GEOID - https://www2.census.gov/geo/docs/maps-data/data/gazetteer/2017_Gazetteer/2017_gaz_place_36.txt.



Q: If there is an occupied RV on the property of a housing unit, should they be added? How should they be identified? A: They should be added, they could be identified as a non-city style address.



Q: How should motels with long term occupants be handled? A: They should be counted as an address. In certain circumstances where there is oversight at the motel they should be counted as group quarters.



Q: Can GUPS handle multiple users? A: No. You can make copies of it and have different users work on separate areas, but the files with the updates will have to be combined into one before submission to the U.S. Census Bureau. Only one submission file will be accepted.



Q: Can shape files such as street segments be added to GUPS? A: Yes, GUPS can do anything a geographic information system can do.



Q: If there are new streets in your jurisdiction do you need to add them? A: No, you can update street segments but are not required to.



Q: Do you need Python to use GUPS? A: No you don’t need Python to use GUPS.



Q: Can the non-Title 13 shape files provided with GUPS be used separately outside of the GUPS application? A: No, they cannot be separated.



Q: Will GUPS match addresses provided by the U.S. Census Bureau to the local list? A:

No, GUPS cannot perform address matches. You can visually identify differences from the map spots or use the block address count analysis in GUPS. You could export the addresses into Access or Excel and do your own address comparison. Some with more advanced GIS skills have discussed doing spatial joins on the addresses.



Q: Do you need GIS skills to use GUPS? A: No, GUPS is designed for those without GIS skills. Nationwide support in using the application will be available or you can contact the New York Regional Office for assistance. Call the Geographic Programs Support Desk at 1-844-344-0169 or email [email protected]. The New York Regional Geography department can be contacted at 1-212-584-3430 or email [email protected].


Q: Can we update an address if there is a new subdivision platted in early 2019 and it will be built by Census Day? A: New constructions will be handled under a separate program. A Federal Register Notice will be coming out regarding this.


Q: Should the destruction form be sent back with the LUCA submission? A: No, the LUCA Destruction of Return form will be sent back after the feedback period in the summer of 2019.



Q: When and how will the SWIM registration token be provided to participants? A: It will be provided with your LUCA package. You may already have an account from one of the other U.S. Census programs and you can use that.



Q: Some computers do not have a CD/DVD drive anymore. Is there another way that entities can receive the data or the application? A: The U.S. Census Bureau is working on a solution for this option. Please consider acquiring an external CD/DVD drive. If your entity will not be able to work with CD/DVDs please email the Census Bureau's New York Regional Geography department at [email protected]



Q: How do you predict what will be constructed and be habitable by April 2020? Do you include what is currently planned or under construction at the time the address list is submitted? A: What you think will be there on the ground by Census Day 2020 with a closed wall and roof should be included in the address list. If you are unsure or you do not know if it is going to be habitable by Census Day 2020, add it to the list.



Q: How do you know what MTFCC code should be applied to a road? A:

The MTFCC code stands for MAF/Tiger Feature Classification Code and is used to classify and describe geographic objects or features by the U.S. Census Bureau. LUCA road updates will generally be local roads, which have the code S1400. MTFCC codes and their descriptions will be included in the LUCA Respondent Guides.



Q: When adding new or missing roads to the edges layer, is validated topology required for the Census Bureau to accept the change? A: Do the best you can. If any rectification is needed, it will be done during the ingestion process by the Geography Division of the U.S. Census Bureau. There is imagery available from the U.S. Census Bureau for use if needed.



Q: What is the facility name for community residence group homes? For example, six beds for the mentally challenged? A: Not all Group Quarters will have a facility name. Only if a Group Quarter is associated with a facility include the facility name or leave the field blank.



Q: Will it be necessary only to use the ArcGIS 10.4.1 version? A: No, there is no particular version you need to use.



Q: Does the address count list include both occupied and vacant housing units? A: Yes, it includes both occupied and vacant housing units.



Q: Please summarize the submission procedure: does it include one address list, one shape file and one inventory form? A: There are two submission methods; you can either ship the DVD back or send it through SWIM to the U.S. Census Bureau. In both cases; however, the U.S. Census Bureau requires you to zip up the address file and the shape file that have a change code in them. The inventory form can be included as a hardcopy if shipping your submission, or it can be included as a separate zip file.