group of people at a career fair

2025 Dr. King Career Fair

April 10, 2025, 11AM - 3PM


NYS Department of Labor is hosting The Dr. King Career Fair at the Empire State Plaza Convention Center in Albany, NY on Thursday, April 10, 2025.

In upholding the legacy of Dr. King, we are committed to keep moving forward and helping serve New Yorkers.  With that in mind, the New York State Department of Labor is proud to sponsor the 25th Annual Dr. King Career Fair along with the Office of General Services, the Governor’s Office of the Chief Disability Officer, and Capital District Transportation Authority.

The Dr. King Career Fair is one of the most widely attended events in the Capital Region and will be held at the Empire State Plaza Convention Center – connecting 170 area businesses and nearly 500 job seekers.  We are celebrating our 25th year of hosting this event and will be once again hosted in person!  We are excited to have the opportunity to connect businesses and job seekers to the talent and positions they need at no cost.


Space is limited and will reach capacity so register today to secure your booth!

Business Registration

Exhibitor registration deadline is March 20, 2025.

Job Seekers

Dr. King gave his iconic, “I Have a Dream Speech,” at the 1963 March for Jobs and Freedom, a collaboration between labor rights groups and civil rights activists. DOL continues to uphold Dr. King’s legacy today by meeting all job seekers where they are to get them into careers they love.

Whether you are searching for your first job or are ready to change careers, this is the place to be! The Dr. King Career Fair will feature the following services in addition to networking with hiring businesses:

  • Resume Review
  • Pop-up Career Center
  • Professional Headshot Photo Booth
  • Virtual Reality Career Exploration

FREE Event Parking will be offered in the MVP Arena Parking Garage!

CDTA is once again offering a free shuttle to the Career Fair! Pick up is at the Lincoln Park Pool House every 15 minutes from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm.

“My transportation options were shaky, so being able to take a shuttle to the Empire State Plaza from a nearby location where free parking was available was extremely helpful in avoiding the added stress of downtown parking difficulties.” – 2023 Dr. King Participant.

Check out the Career Center Events Calendar page for helpful workshops to prepare you for your job search: Career Center Events Calendar.

For assistance with your job search, please visit your local NYS Career Center or check out our new Virtual Career Center!  You can find the one nearest you by using our Career Center Locator or to check out our new Virtual Career Center visit Virtual Career Center

Virtual Workshops before the Dr. King Career Fair

Job Seekers are invited to participate in any of the following Virtual Workshops to prepare for the event.

Monday, 3/17/25 at 11 am – Resume Development Virtual Workshop

  • Description: This workshop will review the basics and help you understand the purpose of a resume and how to convey your talents specifically to the job you’re applying for.  *It would be beneficial to bring an organized work history as well as a rough draft of your resume to reference during the session*


Monday, 3/24/25 at 11 am – Interviewing Techniques Virtual Workshop

  • Description: Interviewing for a job today can be more intimidating than it needs to be if you’re not sure what to expect, how to prepare, or what the interviewer expects from you. In this workshop, you’ll learn what makes an interview successful, the types of questions to expect, and how to effectively prepare.


Monday, 3/31/25 at 11 am – Transferable Skills Virtual Workshop

  • Description: This presentation will focus on learning specific brainstorming techniques so you can identify your key transferable skills. Learn how to find the key words associated with your skills and how to market your transferable skills to employers. Easy to use electronic resources will be provided for use after the presentation so you can improve your marketability in the virtual world.


Thursday, 4/3/25 at 1 pm – Job Fair Preparation Virtual Workshop

  • Description: Attending job and career fairs can be an important tool in finding a job in your chosen career! In this workshop, we will review tips and advice on how to prepare for a job fair, how to conduct yourself, and how to speak to employers.


Monday, 4/7/25 at 10 am – What to Expect at the 2025 Dr. King Career Fair Virtual Workshop

  • Description: Not sure what to expect at an in-person career fair? Join us to learn how to prepare and navigate through the 2025 Dr. King Career Fair. We will give you tips on how to prepare for the event along with what to expect when you arrive and how to maximize your time while you’re there. Get a sneak peak of where businesses will be located in the venue so you can be ready to impress!

Live Workshops at the Dr. King Career Fair

Learn about Careers with New York State

  • Description: The Center for Careers in Government (CCG) will be offering a workshop to learn about careers with New York State! This workshop will help to Demystify the Civil Service Merit System while providing information on Internships, NY HELPS, exam process, and more!


NYS Cannabis Career Opportunities and Market Update

  • Description: Join the NYS Department of Labor’s Cannabis Unit (CEED) for an empowering one-hour session exploring career opportunities in New York’s cannabis industry. Now is the perfect time to discover potential career paths in New York’s cannabis sectors.


Registered Apprenticeship 101

  • Description: This workshop with provide an overview of what Registered Apprenticeship is, including types of programs, trades, review of a work process outline, on the job training versus related instruction, and a walk through the NYS Department of Labor Apprenticeship Training website.

Dr. King Career Fair 2024 Recap

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Watch the 2024 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Career Fair Recap Video