Contact a Supervising Apprentice Training Representative

Businesses or entities interested in learning more about becoming a sponsor of a Registered Apprenticeship program please contact the individuals listed below

Regional Supervisor Email Phone Region
Dan Paris [email protected] C: 518-728-5763
O: 518-457-7745
Apprenticeship Expansion (new and emerging industries and trades)
Dan Paris [email protected] C: 518-728-5763
O: 518-457-7745
Hudson Valley (White Plains Office), Long Island (Hicksville Office), New York City (NYC Office)
Erin Finster [email protected] C: 315-967-4616
O: 315-479-3427
Capital (Albany Office), Central (Syracuse Office)
Amy Hadfield [email protected] C: 716-454-2468
O: 585-258-8888
Western (Buffalo Office and Rochester Office)


Apprenticeship Opportunities

If you are interested in becoming an apprentice, you may contact your local apprenticeship office for more information or to answer any questions you may have. 

Local Apprenticeship Office