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TOPICS Current Employment Statistics (CES) Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) Quarterly Census Of Employment And Wages (QCEW)
Description Employment, average production worker wages, and average weekly hours by industry and geographic area (place of employment) Employed and unemployed persons by geographic area (place of residence) Employment, number of employers, average weekly wage, and total wages, quarterly and annual average, by industry and geographic area (place of employment)
Methodology Survey of a sample of employers Estimation based on a survey of households, CES, and Unemployment Insurance claims Census of all employers liable for Unemployment Insurance (97-99% of total non-agricultural employment)
Populations Excluded Self-employed, agriculture, domestic workers, military Individuals not in the labor force Self-employed, unpaid family workers, railroad workers, student workers, some agricultural workers
Currency Monthly data available by the third week of the following month Monthly data available by the third week of the following month Quarterly data available six months after the close of the quarter
Geographic Detail U.S., states, MSAs, counties outside MSAs U.S., states, regions, MSAs, counties, cities over 25,000 U.S., states, MSAs, counties
Advantages Current employment data Current household data Complete universe of employers, and fine level of geographic and industry detail
Limitations Uses statistical sample not universe of employers Frequent revisions Six month time lag and some data confidentiality
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