Child Labor Case Data


The Child Labor Case Data dashboard provides information on child labor violations in New York State.

The dashboard can be used to see the number of cases and minors, and the monetary penalties assessed and collected for child labor violation cases.

The “Monthly Overview” tab provides monthly information on cases by county.

The “Yearly Overview” tab summarizes the monthly case data by year at the statewide level.

To learn more about how to use Tableau and download data, check out our guide Tableau Tips for the Web.


Closed- The investigation is closed. This status includes cases where a penalty was assessed and paid, or where an employer was educated, where the claim was a duplicate, or where a penalty was assessed and not paid.

Inactive-Uncollectible-The investigation collections efforts are no longer active due to bankruptcy or other matters.

Investigation Active- The investigation is underway.

Investigation Pending - The investigation has not begun.

Pending Payment-The investigation has concluded, and the case is in a resolution, collection, payment making, or hearing stage.

Child Labor Case Data