An empty boardroom with table and chairs.

Blasters Board of Examiners

Meeting Schedule

Next Meeting:

Wednesday, August 6th

Details to follow.

Staff Contact

Vincent Rapacciuolo, Safety & Health Program Manager 2
Phone (518) 457-3530 email – [email protected]

Program Justification:  Worker Protection, Division of Safety & Health

Meeting Information

Past Blasters Board of Examiners Meetings

DateVideoAgendaMinutesAdditional Documents
February 5, 2025ViewView 

ISSE Conference Training

Blasters Training Syllabus - OLLES

March 27, 2024ViewViewView 
September 30, 2022View View  


  • Make recommendations to the Commissioner of Labor with respect to examinations, experience, and competence of such applicants.
  • Holds hearings prior to Commissioner's determination to suspend or revoke certificates, or to refuse renewal of certificates.
  • Reports findings and recommendations to the Commissioner with respect to such hearings.


12 NYCRR 61

Membership Structure

Three members appointed by the Commissioner of Labor. At least one shall be a blaster who holds a valid certificate of competence and at least one other member shall be a representative of explosives manufacturers. Each member of the advisory board shall serve without salary or other compensation, but, shall be allowed necessary and actual transportation expenses incurred in the performance of his or her duties.

Current Board Members

MemberCounty of ResidenceMember Qualification
Kris KohlerColumbia Public Representative
Derrick ParoSt. LawrenceExplosive Manufacturers Representative
Gregory DembowskiGeneseeCertified Blaster


Board Financials

Blasters Examining Board
Organization, Title
Member NameCounty of ResidenceFY 2022-23
Est. FY 2023-24 ExpensesEst. FY 2024-25 Expenses
Mason Tenders District Council of Greater NY & LI Political Action Committee (MTDCPAC), Deputy DirectorMs. Kris KohlerColumbia $0.00$0.00$0.00
Hilltop Energy Inc., Division ManagerDerrick ParoSt. Lawrence$0.00$0.00$0.00
The Powderman LLC, OwnerGregory DembowskiGenesee$0.00$0.00$0.00