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Helping Connect Asylum Seekers to Employment Opportunities

Asylum Seeker Employment Efforts
DOL Provides Job Assistance for Asylum Seekers
Governor Hochul recently directed the New York State Department of Labor (DOL) to help connect asylum seekers to employment opportunities so they can begin working immediately after obtaining federal work authorization. All asylum seekers with work authorization in New York can now register for assistance. DOL's career experts are working with individuals to assess skills, work history, education, career interests and more, and connect them with employers across the State. To help balance the equation, DOL has also launched a portal that enables businesses to inform the State that they would welcome newly-authorized individuals into their workforce. This provides a pool of employers with job opportunities for DOL's career experts to pull from so they can work to align the skills that asylum seekers have with the current needs of employers.
Asylum Seekers Resources and Self-Service Tools
Governor Hochul Leading the Way
Taking Action to Address the Asylum Seeker Crisis in New York
Since asylum seekers first began arriving in New York, Governor Hochul has taken significant action to provide resources, support and humanitarian aid. In May, she issued an Executive Order declaring a State of Emergency in New York, allowing the state to expedite resources to address this urgent crisis. Working with the legislature, Governor Hochul secured more than $1 billion in funding to support New York City's efforts to shelter asylum seekers. She has deployed more than 2,000 members of the New York National Guard to provide logistical and operational support at shelter sites throughout the state. And she has identified multiple state-owned facilities that can be used as Humanitarian Emergency Relief and Response Centers (HERRCs). Governor Hochul has been clear: New York cannot do this alone. She has called for federal assistance and resources, and pushed the federal government for progress on work authorization so asylum seekers can leave shelters and come out of the shadows. The Governor is speaking regularly with the White House and continues to advocate for the people of New York.